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Disinfection - Cleaning Robotic pool cleaner Dolphin M200

Robotic pool cleaner Dolphin M200

Category: Disinfection - Cleaning


Robotic pool cleaner Dolphin M200 is ideal for every pool shape and type up to 12-15m. Total pool floor cleaning, with minimum investment. The M200 even cleans the difficult-to-reach corners between the floor and walls, making it the ideal robotic pool cleaner for small pools.
  • Cleans and brushes the bottom by filtering the pool water in 3 hours
  • Designed to be easy to handle and lift
  • CleverClean™ scanner for maximum cleaning coverage for your pool
  • Interchangeable set of fine and ultra-fine filters, removes either rough or fine dirt and debris
  • Actively cleans and scrubs away algae and bacteria
  • Tangle free cable Keeps it safe, clean, and simple
  • 2 years warranty
P50134: Robotic pool cleaner Dolphin M200
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